Anderson Valley Foodshed weekly update: Jan 3
In this Update:
AV Farms and Products!
Local Beef for Sale
C'mon Home to Eat Raffle Winners
Community Holiday Dinner
AV Farms and Products!
In the absence of our Boonville Farmers' Market, AV Foodshed would like to provide you with contact information to help you access AV products.
Farm Stands:
Blue Meadow Farm - at the base of Holmes Ranch Road - 895-2071
Brock Farms - on Goodacre off the base of Peachland - 895-3407
Velma's (Filigreen Farm) - on AV Way - 895-2111
Gowan's Oak Tree - on Hwy 128 between Philo and Navarro - 895-3353
Pennyroyal Creamery - on Hwy 128 in Boonville - 895-2410
Petit Teton - on Hwy 128 between Boonville and Yorkville - 684-4146
The Apple Farm - on Philo/Greenwood Road just before the bridge - 895-2333
AV Products you can access by contacting:
4 Bar K Ranch (beef) -, 895-2325
Anderson Valley Community Farm CSA (variety of products) -, (831) 332-5131
Bramble Family Farm (olive oil) -, 272-8487
Bucket Ranch (variety of products) - 845-3851
McEwen Family Farm (variety of products) - - 472-9009
Mendocino Sea Vegetable Company (seaweed) -, 895-2996
Natural Products of Boonville (mushrooms & more) -, 684-0182
Petit Teton (canned goods, pork, beef, squab & veggies) -, 684-4146
Pomo Tierra Orchard (apple products) -
The Forest People - Radically Sustainable Mushroom Cultivation - 489-5034
Yorkville Olive Ranch (olive oil) -, 894-0530
Beef For Sale
Grass Fed Murray Grey/Angus cross Beef, by the 1/4
For January/February delivery
4 Bar K Ranch in Boonville, CA is offering premium grass-fed beef for sale. This is local grass-fed beef, raised in rural Anderson Valley, in Mendocino County, with no shots or hormones, just excellent, lean, grass finished beef. We raise our beef free range, organically, in a humane, safe, and stress free way. This ensures your beef is the best quality and safest meat, that is raised and sold in the right way. We sell live beef by the 1/4 then ship it to the butcher who then slaughters, ages, cuts, wraps, and freezes it before we deliver your 1/4 to you. Bones and offal are included at no cost.
Please contact me and I will send our information flyer in an email. It should answer most of your questions, but feel free to call me anytime if you're interested.
If interested please contact Dave Kooyers at (707) 895-2325.
C'mon Home to Eat Raffle Winners
The C'mon Home to Eat raffle winners are: Nadia Berrigan, who won four entrees at the Bewildered Pig; Maggie Von Vogt, who won dinner for two at the Boonville Hotel/Table 128; and John Leal and Jennifer Lopez, who each won $50 gift certificates to the farm stand of their choice. The basket held 415 tickets from purchasing local food during C'mon Home to eat in October at the farmers' market, featured dinners, and the farm stands. The drawing was held at the Holiday Community Dinner at the Grange in December.
Community Holiday Dinner
AV Foodshed and the Grange have continued the tradition of filling the entire Grange for the Community Holiday Dinner. The grange and the Woodshed share the cost of providing local turkeys, meat, potatoes, and gravy, and the rest of the feast is an incredible potluck. The excellent turkeys were from Sisters' Ridge Ranch in Redwood Valley -- local, but not as local as they could be. Boont Berry helped us get potatoes sourced from Northern California. For next year, we are hoping both the turkeys and the potatoes can be purchased from an Anderson Valley source. Please send an e-mail to if you are willing to raise 80 pounds worth of turkeys and/or 50 pounds of Anderson Valley-grown potatoes.